MEXICO – “Land of Natural Wonders”
From the 20th of July until the 21st of September 2012, Filiberto will participate to the second group exposition of Mexican and foreign visual artists and photographers, organised by the General Consulate of Mexico in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The exposition is dedicated to the numerous natural wonders of Mexico and will be inaugurated on Friday the 20th of July at 18:00
The address of the event is;
Taunusanlage 21
60325 Frankfurt am Main
To view the invitation, please click on the following icon 
To view the catalogue, please click on it here below. |
Posted on Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 at 08:46. Filed under: Exposition Tags: Ausstellung, Consulmex, Frankfurt, Malerei, maravilla, Mexiko, Montesinos, Naturwunder, wonder RSS 2.0 feed.